The Jolly Beggar- Arr. Templeton (MA) 1844-1857

The Jolly Beggar- Arr. Templeton (MA) published between 1844-1857

[The following is taken from the preface to the 1915 piano catalogue issued by the Oliver Disson [sic.] Company of Boston (see above):

In 1844, Mr. Ditson moved from the ‘Old Corner Bookstore’ to more commodious quarters at 115 Washington street (now 25507), where the business remained until its removal in August, 1857, to a building owned by Mr. Ditson and erected for the purpose at 277 (now 451) Washington Sreet.

Cover says, "Arranged and sung with distinguished approbation at his musical entertainments by John Templeton." The location is 115 Washington St., putting the date between 1844-1857.

R. Matteson 2013]

The Jolly Beggar- Arr. Templeton (MA) published between 1844-1857

1. There was a jolly beggar, a begging he was boun',
And he took up his quarters into a land'art toun.
   And we'll gang nae mair a-roving 
   Sae late into the night,
   And we'll gang nae mair a-roving,
   Let the moon shine e'er sae bright
   And we'll gang nae mair a-roving.

2 He wad neither lie in barn, nor yet would he in byre,
But in ahint the ha' door, or yet afore the fire.
   And we'll gang &c.

3 The beggar's bed was made at e'en,
Wi' gude clean straw and hay:
And in a hint the ha' door,
And there the beggar lay.
   And we'll gang &c.

4 Up raise the guidman's dochter,
And for to bar the door;
And then she saw the beggar man
Standing i' the floor.
    And we'll gang &c.

5. He took a horn frae his side, and blew baith loud and shrill,
And four and twenty belted knights came skipping o'er the hill.
    And we'll gang &c.

6. Then out he took his wee bit knife, let a' his duddies fa',
Ancl he stood forth a gentleman, the brawest o' them a'.
    And we'll gang &c.