Seven Brothers- Dodd (VA) 1918 Sharp L

Seven Brothers- Dodd (VA) 1918 Sharp L

[My title replacing the generic Child title. From English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians, Sharp/Karpeles 1932. I assume the 1928 date is a typo and it's 1918. Additional text Bronson No. 20 from Sharp MS. This version is similar to the dozen version from the Shenandoah region in Virginia.

R. Matteson 2014]

L. [Seven Brothers]- Sung by Mrs. MARGARET JACK DODD at Beechgrove, Va., May 24, 1928
Hexatonic (no 3rd).

He looked over his left shoulder
To see what he could see;
And there he spied her seven brothers all,
Down in yon meadow you see.