Cherry Tree Carol- (KY) 1967 Sweet Rivers of Song

Cherry Tree Carol- (KY) 1967 Sweet Rivers of Song

[No informant named. From the 1967 book, Sweet Rivers of Song, edited Gladys Jameson with music; Berea College. Her notes follow.

R. Matteson 2014]

Much has been surmised about the CHERRY TREE CAROL. Obviously it is old. It shows many glimpses of human frailties, folk
beliefs, and interesting miracle-mysteries. It ends with a vague reference to the establishment of Christmas on the date of Epiphany.


1. When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he,
He courted Virgin Mary, The queen of Galilee.

2. As Joseph and Mary were walking one
There were apples and cherries that grew upon the bough.

3. Then Mary spoke to Joseph, So neek and so mild.
"Joseph, gather me some cherries, For I am
with child. "

4. Then Joseph flew in anger, in anger he flew,
Let the father of the baby gather cherries for you.

5. Lord Jesus spoke a few words, all down to them,
"Bow low down, low down, cherry tree, let the
mother have some. "

6. The cherry tree bowed low down, low down to the
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood

7 Then Joseph took Mary all on his right knee,
"O Lord, for what I have done have mercy on me."

8 Then Joseph took Mary all on his left knee,
"Pray tell me little baby, when your birthday will be."

9. "On the flfth day of January my birthday will be€,
When the hills and the high mountains shall bow
down to me."