765. Tell My Mother

765. Tell My Mother

'Tell My Mother.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery county, 1921-22. Newman I. White says: "Submitted as a Negro Spiritual." The typewritten text gives "study" instead of "steady," but from the recording, the latter is, no doubt, correct. Our chorus is almost identical with that of F-546 by the same singer. For a related text cf. NSNH 46.


 Tell — my — moth - er, Tell — her for

me,To meet me in the morn - ing at Gallee,

 Oh, you bet - ter walk stead - y,
Je - sus list - enin' ;

Oh, you bet - ter walk stead - y.

 Je - sus died,
Oh, you bet - ter walk stead - y, listenin ,

Scale : Heptachordal. Tonal Center : c. Structure : aa1abcc1cb (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa1bb1 (4,4,4,4) ; here, a1 and b1 share the same ending. The tonal center is the lowest tone.