Bluegrass Messengers
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Country Music Timeline
String Band and Cowboy Years 1922-1933
Record Industry
WSB Atlanta
WLS Chicago
Grand Ole Opry
Border Radio
Ralph Peer- A & R Man for OKeh and Victor
Frank Walker- A & R Man for Columbia
Eck Robertson- 1922
Henry Whitter- 1923
Fiddlin' John Carson- 1923
Riley Puckett- 1924
Samantha Bumgarner and Eva Davis
Ernest Thompson
Vernon Dalhart & Carson Robison
Uncle Dave Macon
Sid Harkreader
Sam and Kirk McGee
Uncle Dave Macon: A Study in Repertoire- Yates
Ernest Stoneman
Roba Stanley
Kelly Harrell- 1925
The Hill Billies; Al Hopkins and His Buckle Buster
Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers
Carl T. Sprague
Gid Tanner and The Skillet Lickers- 1926
Gid Tanner Bio
Clayton McMichen Biography
Marcus Lowell Stokes
Fate Norris Biography
Bert Layne Biography
Otto Gray and his Cowboy Band
First Cowboy Band- Shirley (Gray interview) 1959
Burnett and Rutherford
Carolina Tar Heels- 1927
Dock Walsh Biography
Gwen Foster Biography
Clarence "Tom" Ashley
Earl Johnson and His Dixie Entertainers
Byrd Moore Biography
Allen Brothers
The Carter Family
A. P. Carter Biography
Sara Carter Bayes
Maybelle Carter- Carter Sisters
Original Carter Family Songs- Alphabetical Order
Original Carter Family Songs Chronological Order
Original Carter Song Lyrics and Details
Carter Family Songs A
Carter Family Songs B
Carter Family Songs C Titles
Carter Family Songs D
Carter Family Songs E-F
Carter Family Songs G
Carter Family Songs H
Original Carter Song Links Recordings & Print
Jimmie Rodgers
Bradley Kincaid
Harry “Haywire Mac” McClintock- 1928
Jimmie Davis
Gene Autry
Cliff Carlisle/Bill Carlisle/Carlisle Brothers
Cliff Carlisle Biography
Bill Carlisle Biography
Eli Oberstein- A & R Man for Bluebird
Delmore Brothers
Tex Ritter
Western Swing & Honky Tonk Years 1933-1948
Red Foley 1933
Light Crust Doughboys 1933
Milton Brown and his Musical Brownies 1934
Interview with Roy Lee Brown
Interview with Roy Lee Brown
Sons of the Pioneers/ Roy Rogers 1934
Ray Whitley 1934
Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys 1935
J.E. Mainer/ Mainer’s Mountaineers 1935
Monroe Brothers: Bill Monroe; Charlie Monroe 1936
Blue Sky Boys 1936
Roy Acuff 1936
Ernest Tubb 1936
Al Dexter 1936
The Coon Creek Girls 1938
Ted Daffan’s Texans 1940
Edden Hammons; Hammons Family
Edden Hammons: Portrait of a West Virginia Fiddler
Eden Hammonds Collection- Vol. 1 Yates
Stamper Family- Hiram; Charlie; Art
Hiram Stamper (1893-1992)
Charlie Stamper (Jan. 28, 1930- )
Art Stamper (1933- 2005)
Nathan Hicks; Frank Proffitt; Hicks Family
Early Hicks (Hix) Immigrants-- Mainly Virginia
Captain Robert Hicks- Indian Trader (mid-1600s)
John Hicks (b. 1807) SC part of George Hicks line
Captain Robert- Bond For Trading with Indians
Peterson Family- Urvin, Hicks, Thweatt, Rives
Robert (Taylor); Captain Robert Family- Workpage
That Honest Man, Captain Hicks
The Traders- 2 blogs by Joanne Pezzullo
John Evans Sr.- John Evans Jr. - Evans line w Hick
John Hicks (1670) & Rebeckah Rives (1692) Surry Co
Nathan[3] Hicks b.1740 (Robert 2; John 1) Sussex
John Hixe (1658) and Sarah Preston (Virginia)
John Hixe and Sarah - online article
John Hix- Sara Preston Chart--done in 2003
Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. b. 1695 and Dianah Willis
William Hix (Hicks; Hux) workpage 1600s-1820
William Hix (b 1760s)/ Hannah Garrard VA-WV-KY
William Hix Sr. b. 7-13-1748 VA d. KY chart
John Hix (Hicks, Hickes) 1600s- 1700s Workpage
Henry Hix (Hicks) 1600s- 1700s Mainly Virginia
David Hicks (Hix) Workpage 1600s - 1820
Robert Hicks (Hix) Workpage 1600s-1820 VA-NC
Robert Hicks- Winnifred Combs (Summers) KY 1775
John Hix (b. 1685) m. Denias - Sussex Co. VA line
George Hicks (SC) Col. George Early 1700s wk page
James Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre 1860
Joseph Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre1850
Thomas Hicks (Hix) Workpage- pre1850 VA NC SC
Hicks- Georgia (Bugg) 1700s-1850 Richmond Co.
Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. and Dianah Willis
David Hix (Hicks)- Father of "Big Sammy"
Council Harmon; Harmon (Hermann) Family
Big Sammy Hicks- 1753 -1835 Father of Sabra
Ray Hicks
Ray Hicks and the Doctors
Tom Dooley
Frank Proffitt; Nathan Hick's son-in-law
"Good Memories For Me" by Frank Proffitt
Frank Proffit Sings Folk Songs- Liner Notes 1962
Jack, Alive and Well on Beech Mountain- Baldwin
Tales from the Southern Blue Ridge- 1925
Mrs. Jane Hicks Gentry- Storyteller & Singer
Books about Hicks- Harmon- Ward Families
Ward Family; Tab Ward
Wade Ward; Crockett Ward of Independence Va.
Johnny Ray Hicks- Crossvile Criminal CD notes
Dee Hicks; Tennessee Hicks Family
Hicks Family Records- Marriage, Birth, Land, Bible
Hicks (Hix) Land Patents, Indentures, Grants
Goochland County Hix (Hicks) before 1820
Samuel Hicks (b.1695) and Diana Willis CHART
Hix/Hicks Goochland Court Records 1728-1785
Hix-Hicks Goochland Co. Deeds 1700s & Henrico
James Johnson (James Johnson Hix) Goochland
Goochland Hix (Hicks) Workpage pre 1820
Sir Robert Hicks and Big Daddy Sir John (d.1492)
Granville Co. NC; Hicks from NY; Hicks from VA
Robert Hicks- Ester Luten; Chowan Co. NC
Early Hicks (Hix) NY, New England pre1800
Surry Co. & Brunswick Co. Early Hicks pre 1820
Presnell Families- Lee Monroe; Hattie
Roots, Old-time & Bluegrass Articles
The Blues As Folk-Songs; Scarborough
Songs And Rhymes From The South- Perrow
John Hardy by John Harrington Cox
Ballads and Rhymes from Kentucky- JOAFL 1907
Folk-Songs and Folk-Poetry of the Southern Negroes
Southern Recording Trip- John and Ruby Lomax 1939
Come On And Bow Down- James "Iron Head" Baker
Southern Recording Trip 2- John & Ruby Lomax 1939
All The Pretty Little Horses- Shirley Lomax Mansel
Angels Standin' In De Water- Rev. Eason
Ballads & Songs of Western North Carolina- Bascom
The Play-Party In Notheast Missouri- Hamilton
The Missouri Play-Party- Ames 1911
Some Play-Party Songs from Eastern Illinois
Songs from the Mountains of North Carolina- JOAFL
Notes On Folk-Lore Of Texas- Prescott Webb 1915
Some Play-Party Games in Michigan- Gardner 1920
Songs from Kentucky- Florence Truitt 1923 JOAFL
Spirituals from St. Helena, SC- JOAFL 1925
Ballads and Songs from Mississippi- Hudson 1926
Note on a Lying Song- G. L. Kittredge JOAFL 1926
Some Negro Song Variants from Louisville- 1928
Spirituals from the Bahamas- Parsons 1928
Ballads and Songs of the Southern Highlands- Henry
The Ozark Play-Party- Vance Randolph 1929
The Lexington Girl- Melinger Henry 1929
Pearl Bryant: Variant of American Folk Song 1929
Spirituals from Alabama- Terrell 1930 JOAFL
More Songs from the Southern Highlands- Henry 1931
The Play Party in Idaho- Ball JOAFL 1931
Negro Songs from Georgia- Mellinger Henry 1931
Negro Songs from the Pedee Country- Bass 1931
Southern Illinois Folk Songs- McIntosh 1938
Some Songs from Tennessee and North Carolina- 1933
Nursery Rhymes and Game-Songs from Georgia- 1934
Game-Songs from Southern Indiana- Brewster 1936
Songs of the Cumberlands- Owens 1936 JOAFL
Folk Songs of Chicago Negroes- Longini 1939
Kentucky Folksong in Northern Wisconsin- Treat
Some Party-Games of the Great Smoky Mountains
Play-Party Songs in Western Maryland- Warnick 1941
Children's Songs and Rhymes of the Porter Family
Changing Patterns in Negro Folk Songs- Work 1949
Songs from Rappahannock County, Virginia- 1950
The Skillet Lickers: A Study of a Hillbilly String
Anglo-Texan Spirituals- Owens 1982
Hillbilly Music: Source and Symbol- Archie Green
An Intro to the Study of Hillbilly Music- Wilgus
An Introduction to Bluegrass- Smith 1965 JOAFL
Hillbilly Music: Source and Resource- Ed Kahn
Song-Games of Negro Children in Virginia- 1890
Negro Songs and Folk-Lore- Speers 1910 JOAFL
More Songs from the Southern Appalachians- 1915
Some Play-Party Games of the Middle West- Piper
Nine Negro Spirituals 1850-1861 from S. Carolina
Some Texas Play-Party Songs- Dudley & Payne 1916
Some Negro Folk-Songs from Tennessee- Odum 1914
Negro Folk-Lore in South Carolina- Davis 1914 JOAF
Still More BalladsSongs from the Southern Highland
Kentucky Folk-Songs- Shearin 1911
The Forget-Me-Not Songsters- Norm Cohen
The Legend of the Hanged Fiddler- Wilgus
Hillbilly Version Gussie Davis's "Fatal Wedding"
Hog Drivers' Play-Song- Burnett 1949
Tin Pan Alley's Contribution to Folk Music- Cohen
Types of the Folk Song "Father Grumble"- Moore
Frank Noah Proffitt (1913-1965)- Obituary- Warners
Vance Randolph (1892-1980) Obituary- Halpert
The Miller and His Sons- Richard Chase 1935
The White Man in the Woodpile- N. I. White 1929
Folk-Lore from Vir., S.C., Georgia, Ala., and Fla.
"Rose Connoley" An Irish Ballad- D. K. Wilgus
The Ancestry of "The House-Carpenter"
The "Braes of Yarrow" Tradition in America- Coffin
Daniel Wyatt Tate: Singer from Fancy Gap- Yates
Smith, Jenkins, and Early Commercial Gospel Music
Samuel Hall's Family Tree- Bronson
The Case of John Lomax- Hirsch 1992
The Southern Textile Song Tradition Reconsidered
A Return Visit to the Appalachian Mountains
Games of Washington Children- Babcock 1886
A Group of Indiana Folksongs- Halpert 1944
A Check List of Ternnessee Folk-Songs- 1946
Some Ballads From North Carolina- John Lomax
American Songs for American Children- Botkin
I. Jennie Jenkins; John Henry
II. Cpt Jinks; Down in Valley; My Lover; So Long
III. Jinny Crack; New River; Rattler; Drill Ye
IV. Farmer; Young Man Who Wouldn't; Wayfaring
V. Risselty; All Around the Maypole; Old Blue
VI. Hog Drovers; Rolly Trudum; Darby Ram
The Quest of the Lonesome Tunes- Brockway 1917
The Route of "Bonaparte's Retreat"- Stephen Wade
George P. Knauff's Virginia Reels
The Three Doc(k)s: White Blues in Appalachia
The Hindman Settlement School and Its Music
British Ballads in the Cumberland Mountains- 1911
Two Popular Ballads- Kittredge 1908
The Lexington Girl- Mellinger Henry 1929
Ballads and Songs- G. L. Kittredge 1917
The Berea Tune Lists
Berea Fiddle Contests 1919- 1928
"Sinful Songs" of the Southern Negro
Casey Jones: At the Crossroads of Two Ballad Trads
Frank Proffitt: Good Times and Hard Times
Hymnals of the Black Church- Eileen Southern
Baptist Hymnody in Southern Appalachia
Congregational Singing Tradition in South Carolina
Folk Element in Early Revival Hymns and Tunes
Folk-Songs of the American Negro- Joseph Smith
The Origin of Negro Traditions- Thomas Talley
British Ballads in the Cumberland Mountains- 1911
"Following Music" in a Mountain Land- McGill 1917
Jilson Setters: The Last Minstrel- Thomas 1928
Text, Title, Tune, Interrelations US Fiddle Music
An American Homiletic Ballad- Barry 1913
Reds, Whites, and the Blues: Lawrence Gellert
Afro-American Song in the Nineteenth Century
Hymnals of the Black Church- Eileen Southern 1989
The Singing South: Folk-Song in Recent Fiction
"Reynardine": A Broadside Ballad of Seduction
British Folk Song in America 1916-1958
The Career of "John Henry"- Dorson 1965
Twenty Folk Hymns- Mary O. Eddy
Traditional Texts and Tunes- Tolman & Eddy 1922
Mary Hamilton; The Group Authorship of Ballads
Some Songs Traditional in the United States
Two Camp Songs- Jane Bagby 1948
Negro Hymnology- W.A. Barrett 1872
Negro Songs and Singers- Edward King 1874
A Note on "Springfield Mountain"- Smith 1936
Robert W. Gordon and the Second Wreck of Old 97
High Culture, Low Culture: Library of Congress
Ballads and Folksongs from West Virginia
The Old Album of William A. Larkin
West Virginia's Omie Wise- Milnes 1995
Lists and Classifications of Folksongs- Taylor
A Fraudulent "Elfin Knight" from West Virginia
History, Symbol, and Meaning in 'The Cruel Mother'
Ho for Eastern Kentucky!- Elliott 1950
An Introduction to James Madison Carpenter
Ballads Surviving in the United States- Smith 1916
Five Old-Country Ballads- JOAFL 1912
Traditional Ballads from Utah- 1951 JOAFL
Black Musicians in Appalachia- Hay 2003
Ballads- 1905 Kidson Sharp Broadwood Williams
Twa Sisters- English, Scottish, American Versions
Some Folk-Ballads and the Background of History
Mid-Hudson Song and Verse- JOAFL 1953
Songs I Sang on an Iowa Farm- Cromwell 1958
Folk Song Studies in Idaho- Brunvand 1965
Notes on Negro Music- Peabody 1903 JOAFL
Negro Songs- Ian Cameron 1922
Two African-American Songs From 1856
African-American Music from Southern Workman
Afro-American Folksongs: A Review Vol. 43, 1919
Negro Music of the South- Vol. 22, 1893
Negro Folk Songs- Vol. 24, 1895
Sam Bennett as Collected by Sharp & Carpenter
Negro Spirituals- Thomas Wentworth Higginson 1867
Thomas Wentworth Higginson- Bowen 1915
Cowboy Songs of the Mexican Border- Lomax 1911
Thorp & Lomax: Oral or Written Transmission?
Sam Bass: "The Ballad and the Man"
On the Eastern Shore- Bergen 1989 JOAFL
Folk-Songs of the Civil War- Williams 1892 JOAFL
Letter from Ole Bull to Sara Thorp- 1869
"Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight" from Maryland
Shenandoah- Gilchrist 1931
Negro Folk Expression: Various Songs
Thematic Pattern in Downhome Blues Lyrics- Titon
Negro Songs from Barbados- Bowditch 1887
Again the Negro- Curtis 1917
Negro Folk Songs- Tuskegee Institute
Religious Folk-Beliefs of Whites and Negroes
The Child Ballad in Canada: A Survey
William Motherwell as Field Collector- McCarthy
Ancient Ballads of North Scotland- Motherwell
Ballad Collections of the Eighteenth Century
Old Ballad Burthens- Josephine McGill 1918
A Note on the "Herb" and Other Refrains- Gilchrist
About the Commonest British Ballads- Bronson 1957
"Following Music" in a Mountain Land- McGill 1917
Some Rarities from Arkansas- Cray 1959
Isaac Garfield Greer’s Ballad Collection
Isaac Garfield Greer (1881-1967)- Hudson 1968
Watson of Deep Gap: A Retrospective- Ward 1975
Dock Boggs in Thomas Jefferson's Virginia
The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains
Woody Guthrie and His Folk Tradition
"All the Songs in the World" Emma Dusenbury Story
Ballad of the Bold Northwestman- Kendrick
Some Fusions in Missouri Ballads- Barbour 1936
Folksongs in Rural New York State- Ward 1988
That’s the Way They Lived- Warners 1966
Popular Ballads Recorded in Knoxville, TN 1938
Dialect Notes- Josiah Combs; 1917
Folk Songs from Wisconsin- Stratman-Thomas 1939
Some Real American Music- Miles 1904
The English Ballad in Jamaica- Beckwith 1924
Folk-Lore in Michigan- Bertrand L. Jones 1914
Spirituals & Folklore from the Bahamas- Parsons
Negro Songs from the Pedee Country- Bass 1931
The Ballad Sheet and Garland- Frank Kidson 1905
The Famous Ballads of Anna Gordon, Mrs. Brown.
The Gin-Around; from Godey's Lady's Book, 1874
Roots; Old-time; Folk; Bluegrass Books
Syllabus of Kentucky Folk-Songs- Shearin & Combs
Brown Collection of NC Folklore- Volume 3
Brown Collection- I. Courting Songs
Brown Collection- II. Drinking and Gambling Songs
Brown Collection- III. Homiletic Songs
Brown Collection- IV. Play-Party and Dance Songs
Brown Collection- V. Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes
Brown Collection- VI. Jingles About Animals
Brown Collection VII. Work Songs
Brown Collection- VIII. Folk Lyric
Brown Collection- IX. Satirical Songs
Brown Collection- X. Songs of Prisoners & Tramps
Brown- XI. Marital, Political & Patriotic Songs
Brown- XII. Minstrel and Secular Negro Songs
404. Cindy
405. Dearest Mae
406. Massa Had a Yaller Gal
407. Nelly Bly
408. Oh, Susanna!
409. Nancy Till
410. Miss Julie Ann Glover
411. Kitty Wells
412. Ella Rhee
413. Clare de Kitchen
414. Jim Crack Corn
415. Lynchburg Town
416. My Long Tail Blue
417. My Ole Mistus Promised Me
418. Old Zip Coon
419. Camptown Races
420. Uncle Ned
421. Way Down on the Old Peedee
422. Shinbone Alley
423. Some Folks Say that a Nigger Won't Steal
424. The Happy Coon
425. The Preacher and the Bear
426. I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
427. Have a Little Banjo Beating
428. The Traveling Coon
429. The Voodoo Man
430. Ain't Gonna Rain No More
431. Ain't Got to Cry No More
432. Boil Them Cabbage Down
433. Broder Eton Got de Coon
434. Chicken
435. The Dummy Line
436. Eliza Jane (I)
437. Eliza Jane (II)
438. Everybody's Gal Is My Gal
439. Go 'Way from My Window
440. Here Lies de Body uv To' Little Ben
441. I'm Going Down the Road Feeling Bad
442. Could'n Live Bedoit de Flowers
443. I'd Rather Be Dead
444. If You Want to Go to Heaven
445. Had a Banjo Made of Gold
446. If You Meet a Woman in the Morning
447. If You Don't Believe I'm Sinking
448. I Got a Girl
449. I'm Gwine Away to Georgia
450. Yaller Gal
451. I Went Down to My Gal's House Las' Night
452. Mama Don't Allow No Low Down Hanging Around
453. Negro Yodel Song
454. Oh, Dat Watermilion
455. One More River to Cross
456. Po' Liza Jane
457. Run, Nigger, Run
458. Sally Went to Preachin'
459. Saturday Night and Sunday Too
460. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
461. Short'nin' Bread
462. Sing Polly Wolly Doodle
463. Stick My Head in a Paper Sack
464. That's W'here My Money Goes
465. There Was a Watermelon
466. Train...Run So Fast
467. Two Little Niggers Black as Tar
468. Watermelon Hanging on the Vine
469. Way Down Yonder on Cedar Street
470. What You Gwina Do When the World's on Fire
471. Jigger, Rigger, Bumbo
472. Guinea Negro Song
473. White Folks Go To College
474. Cold Frosty Morning
475. Hung My Bucket on de White Folks' Fence
476. White Folks in the Parlor
477. White Gal, Yaller Gal, Black Gal
478. You Shall Be Free
479. Old Bee Makes de Honey Comb
480. Hard Times
481. Don't Like a Rich White Man Nohow
482. Sugar Babe
483. Rich Man Rides on a Pullman Car
484. I Don't Like a Nigger
485. Shady Grove
486. Fair Brown
487. Old Aunt Dinah
488. Apple Sauce and Butter
489. When I Die Don't Wear No Black
490. Rain Come Wet Me
491. We'll Have a Little Dance Tonight, Boys
492. Way Down Below
493. Railroad Dinah Gal
494. If I Had It You Could Get It
495. If I Die in Tennessee
496. Jinger Blue
497. Mammy in the Kitchen
498. I've Bin to the 'Bama and I Just Got Back
499. Raise a Ruckus Tonight
500. Georgia Buck
501. You've Got Your Big Gun, and I've Got Mine
502. Went Down Town
503. Standing on de Street Doin' No Harm
504. A Thirty-Two Special on a Forty-Four Frame
505. The California Blues
506. Oh! When a Man Get the Blues
507. I Got de Hezotation Stockings and Shoes
508. It's Raining Here
509. Nigger in the Woodpile
510. Share 'Em
511. The Preacher Song
512. Johnson's Mule
513. The Kicking Mule
514. The Billy Goat
Brown Collection- XIII. Religious Songs
515. The Cumberland Traveller
516. The Great Round-Up
517. Some of These Days
518. Long White Robe
519. There's a Little Hand Writing on the Wall
520. Ananias
521. The Gospel Pool
522. A Charge To Keep
523. Creation
524. Daniel in the Lion's Den
525. Departed Loved Ones
526. Dark Was the Night
527. Don't You Grieve after Me
528. Drooping Souls, No Longer Grieve
529. The Gospel Train
530. Hicks' Farewell
531. If You Get There Before I Do
532. I'm Boun' to Cross the Jordan
533. I Am Going to Heaven
534. In the Valley
535. I've Got a Brother in the Snow-White Fields
536. Jacob's Ladder
537. Jesus Born in Bethlehem
538. John Saw the Holy Number
539. John Saw de Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand
540. Johnny Was a Baptist
541. The Little Black Train
542. The Lone Pilgrim
543. Mary Wore Three Links of Chain
544. Noah's Ark
545. Pharaoh's Army
546. Oh, They Put John on the Island
547. Rock of Ages
548. There Is No Place in the Height of Heaven
549. Ain't Goin' to Worry My Lord No More
550. All God's Chillun Got Shoes
551. All My Sins Been Taken Away
552. Angels Roll Dem Stones Away
553. As I Went Down in the Valley to Pray
554. Babe of Bethlehem
553. Baptist, Baptist Is My Name
556. Bye and Bye
557. Cain and Abel
558. Can't Cross Jordan
559. Christ Was a Weary Traveler
560. City of Refuge
561. Come All You Friends and Neighbors
562. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
563. Dar'll Be No Distinction Dar
564. Didn't It Rain?
563. An English Orphan
566. Down by de Ribberside
567. Gwine Down to Jordan
568. God Is at de Pulpit
569. Going to Heaven by the Light of the Moon
570. Go Down, Moses
571. Golden Slippers
572. Good News — Chariot's Comin'
573. Good Lordy, Rocky My Soul
574. Good News Coming from Canaan
575. Go Wash in the Beautiful Stream
576. Gwine Down Jordan
577. Hear That Rumbling (I Heard a Mighty Rumbling
578. He Never Said a Mumbling Word
579. Heaven Is a Beautiful Place
580. Hush, Little Baby
581. I Am Bound for the Promised Land
582. I Am Going Where the Blood Flows Stronger
583. I Belong to That Band
584. I Don't Love Old Satan
585. I Don't Sing Like I Used to Sing
586. I Do Wonder Is My Mother on That Train
587. I Got de Key of de Kingdom
588. I Have Long Since Been Learned
589. I Am Standing in the Shoes of John
590. I Don't Know When Old Death's Gwineter Call
591. I'm Goin' to Ride in Pharaoh's Chariot
592. I Mean to Go to Heaven Anyhow
593. Indian Song: Ah, Pore Sinner
594. I Picked My Banjo Too
595. I'se Gwine Land on Dat Shore
596. I Shall Not Be Blue
597. It's Good fuh Hab Some Patience
598. I Wanter Jine de Ban'
599. I Was Once in a Dark and Lonesome Valley
600. I Wonder As I Wander
601. Jekkel Walls
602. Jesus Christ I Want to Find
603. Jesus Says, 'You Goes and I Goes Wid You'
604. John He Baptized Jesus
605. John Jasper
606. Judgment Day Is Comin'
607. Lily White Robe
608. Little David
609. Little David, Play on your Harp
610. The Little Family
611. Mary Bowed
612. Moses Smote the Waters
613. And Must I Be to Judgement Brought?
614. The New Burying Ground
615. Nobody Knows
616. No Hidin' Place
617. No More! No More!
618. Oh, I Used to Drink Beer
619. Oh, Lord, I'se Stepping Higher
620. Oh, Heavens Shut the Gates on Me
621. O Lord, Won't You Come by Here?
Additional Songs from Volume V
659. I Wonder Where's the Gambling Man
660. Old Scotch Drinking Song
661. Scottish Drinking Song
662. Come All Ye Young Ladies
663. The Drunkard's Home
664. I Have No Mother Now
665. I Have No Mother Now
666. I Have No Mother Now
667. Morality
668. The Old Armchair
669. Woodman, Spare That Tree
670. Chewing Gum Song
671. Mississippi Lawyer
673. Sally Ann
672. Negro Song
674. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
675. Lullaby
676. Mr. Bull Frog
677. Ridin' Of A Goat, Leadin' of a Sheep
678. Trip, Play-Mo-Blay
679. What Makes the Wild Cat Wild?
680. The Keeper
681. Venison
682. Away on a Hill
683. Childhood Days
684. Enoch Arden
685. Essie Dear
686. Sweet Evelina
687. Faithful Friend
688. Flitting Away
689. Goodbye
690. Goodbye, John
691. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight
692. I'll Give You My Love
693. I Loved You Better Than You Know
694. In the Shadow of the Pines (I)
695. In the Shadow of the Pines (II)
696. I Want to Be Somebody's Darling
697. Just Give Him One More as He Goes
698. Leap Frog John
699. The Letter That Never Came
700. Little Bunch of Roses
701. The Little Logwood Cabin
702. The Little Log Cabin in the Lane
703. Lula Falls
704. Lula Wall
705. Many Miles Apart
707. Mary, Weep No More For Me
708. Molly Darling
709. Molly Darling
710. My Hair Was Black as Ribbon
711. My Pretty Quadroon
712. Old and Gray
713. The Old Stepstone
714. Over the Garden Wall
715. Pretty Bessie
716. Riding in a Sleigh
717. Rosalie, the Prairie Flower
718. Sadie Ray
719. Sadie Ray
720. Seven Long Years
721. Sparking on a Sunday Night
722. Standing by the Old Cabin Door
723. Standing by the Old Garden Gate
724. The Stars Shine Bright
725. Sunny Tennessee
726. Sweet Bunch of Daisies
727. Sweet Forget-Me-Not
728. Sweet Long Ago
729. Singing in the Lane
730. Surely I Can Do
731. Hole in the Bucket
732. Hop Along
733. I Don't Let the Girls Worry My Mind
734. Snuff Box
735. Behind Those Walls of Gray
736. Rainbow Division
737. When I Am Far Away
738. Coonshine
739. Dis Morning
740. Down at Widow Johnson's
741. Gwine 'Round Dis Mountain
742. Hikin' Down de Main Line
743. Honey Babe
744. How I Love Them Pretty Yellow Gals
745. Hump-back Mule
746. I'm Going Down the Mobile Line
747. I'm Going Home
748. I'se a-running
749. Mike and Jerry
750. The Nigger and the Bee
751. Oh! I Had a Good Woman
752. Old Folks Better Up and Git to Bed
753. Such a Gittin' Up-stairs
754. Yonder Come a Yaller Gal
755. Blow Gabriel
756. Drunkard's Dream
757. Dry Bones
758. Gimme Oil in My Lamp
759. Got to Cross Jordan
760. O Bear Me Away on Your Snowy White Wing
761. Oh, Where Shall I Be?
762. The Road is Rocky
763. Star in the East
764. Storm Bird
765. Tell My Mother
766. There's a Place Prepared
767. Thorny Desert
768. Was You There When They Crucified Jesus?
769. The Watchman's Call
770. Way Back in Heaven
771. Wayfaring Stranger
772. When in Death I Calmly Recline
773. Wondrous Love
774. A Plea for Mercy
775. Hell Broke Loose in Georgia
776. Goodbye to the Cracking of the Pistols
777. Jimmie Suttonton
778. Blow the Man Down
779. Hanging Johnnie
780. Haul Away, Joe
781. Hullabaloo Balay
782. Lanky, Lucy, Lister
783. What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?
784. When Johnnie Comes Down to Hilo
785. Whiskey Johnny
786. No title
Children's Games and Rhymes Volume 5
The Negro and his Songs- Odum & Johnson 1925
Chapter I. Presenting the Singer and His Song
Chapter II. The Religious Songs of the Negro
Chapter III. Examples of Religious Songs
Chapter IV. Examples of Religious Songs, Concluded
Chapter V. The Social Songs of the Negro
Chapter VI. Examples of Social Songs
Chapter VII. Examples of Social Songs, Concluded
Chapter VIII. The Work Songs of the Negro
Chapter IX. Imagery, Style, and Poetic Effort
The Negro Sings A New Heaven- Grissom 1930
Negro Workaday Songs- Odum & Johnson 1926
I. Background Resources in Negro Song and Work
II. The Blues: Workaday Sorrow Songs
III. Songs of the Lonesome Road
IV. Bad Man Ballads and Jamboree
V. Songs of Jail, Chain Gang, and Policemen
VI. Songs of Construction Camps and Gangs
VII. Just Songs to Help With Work
VIII. Man's Song of Woman
IX. Woman's Song of Man
X. Folk Minstrel Types
XI. Workaday Religious Songs
XII. The Annals and Blues of Left Wing Gordon
XIII. John Henry: Epic of the Negro Workingman
XIV. Types of Negro Melodies
XV. Types of Records of Negro Singers
English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians
I. Ballads
1. The False Knight Upon the Road
II. Songs
III. Nursery Songs
IV. Jigs
V. Play-Party Games
American Songbag- Carl Sandburg 1927
Dramas and Portraits
The Ould Sod
Minstrel Songs
Tarnished Love Tales or Colonial & Rev. Antiques
Frankie and her Man
Pioneer Memories
Kentucky Blazing Star
The Lincolns and Hankses
Great Lakes and Erie Canal
Hobo Songs
The Big Brutal City
Prison and Jail Songs
Blues, Mellows, Ballets
The Great Open Spaces
Mexican Border Songs
Southern Mountains
Picnic and Hayride Follies, Close Har., Ditties
Railroads and Work Gangs
Lunberjacks, Loggers, Shanty-Boys
Bandit Biographies
Five Wars
Lovely People
Road To Heaven
Afro-American Folksongs; Henry Krehbiel 1914
Chapter I. Folksongs in General
Chapter II. Songs of the American Slaves
Chapter III. Religious Character of the Songs
Chapter IV. Modal Characteristics of the Songs
Chapter V. Music Among the Africans
Chapter VI. Variations from the Major Scale
Chapter VII. Minor Variations & Typical Rhythms
Chapter VIII. Features of the Poems; Funeral Music
Chapter IX. Dances of the American Negroes
Chapter X. Songs of the Black Creoles
Chapter XI. Satirical Songs of the Creoles
On The Trail Of Negro Folk-Songs; Scarborough
I. On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs
II. Negro's Part Transmitting Songs and Ballads
III. Negro Ballads
IV. Dance-Songs or "Reels"
V. Children's Game Songs
VI. Lullabies
VII. Songs About Animals
VIII. Work Songs
IX. Railroad Songs
X. Blues
American Ballads and Folk Songs- John & Alan Lomax
I. Working on The Railroad
II. The Levee Camp
III. Songs From Southern Chain Gangs
IV. Negro Bad Men
V. White Desperadoes
VI. Songs From The Mountains
VII. Cocaine and Whisky
VIII. The Blues
IX. Creole Negroes
X. "Reels"
XI. Minstrel Types
XII. Breakdowns and Play-Parties
XIII. Songs of Childhood
XIV. Miscellany
XV. Vaqueros of the Southwest
XVI. Cowboy Songs
XVII. Songs of the Overlanders
XVIII. The Miner
XIX. The Shanty-Boy
XX. The Erie Canal
XXI. The Great Lakes
XXII. Sailors and Sea Fights
XXIII. Wars and Soldiers
XXIV. White Spirituals
XXV. Negro Spirituals
Negro Folk Rymes- Wise and Otherwise- Talley
I. Dance Rhyme Section
II. Dance Rhyme Song Section
III. Play Rhyme Section
IV. Pastime Rhyme Section
V. Love Ryme Section
VI. Courtship Rhyme Section
VII. Marriage & Married Life Rhyme Section
VIII. Nursery Rhyme Section
IX. Blessings
X. Wise Sayings
XI. Foreign Rhyme Section
Our Singing Country- John A. Lomax & Alan Lomax
I. Religious Songs: 1. Negro Spirituals
I. Religious Songs: 2. White Religious Songs
II. Social Songs: 1. White Dance Tunes
II. Social Songs: 2. Negro Game Songs
II. Social Songs: 3. Bahaman Negro Songs
II. Social Songs: 4. Lullabies
II. Social Songs: 5. Whoppers
II. Social Songs: 6. Courting Songs
II. Social Songs: 7. Old-Time Love Songs
II. Social Songs: 8. French Songs- Louisiana
III. Men at Work: 1. Soldiers & Sailors
III. Men at Work: 2. Lumberjacks & Teamsters
III. Men at Work: 3. Cowboy Songs
III. Men at Work: 3. Railroaders & Hobos
III. Men at Work: 5. Miner's Songs
III. Men at Work: 6. Farmers of the South
IV. Outlaws
V. Hollers and Blues
VI. Negro Gang Songs
Bahama Songs and Stories- Charles Edwards 1895
I. Bahama Songs
II. Bahama Stories
Brown Collection of NC Folklore- Volume 2 Ballads
Music of the Older Ballads- Mostly British
1. The Elfin Knight
2. Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight
3. Earl Brand
4. The Two Sisters
5. The Cruel Brother
6. Lord Randal
7. Edward
8. Babylon; or, The Bonnie Banks Fordie
9. The Three Ravens (Child 26)
10. Thomas Rymer
11. The Wee, Wee Man
12. Captain Wedderburn's Courtship
13. The Two Brothers
14. Young Beichan
15. The Cherry Tree Carol
16. Sir Patrick Spens
17. Child Waters
18. Young Hunting
19. Lord Thomas and Fair Annet
20. Fair Margaret and Sweet William
21. Lord Lovel
22. The Lass of Rock Royal
23. Sweet William's Ghost
24. The Unquiet Grave
25. The Wife of Usher's Well
26. Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard
27. Bonny Barbara Allan
28. Lady Alice
29. Lamkin
30. The Maid Freed from the Gallows
31. The Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter
32. Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne
33. Robin Hood Rescuing Three Squires
34. Sir Hugh; or. The Jew's Daughter
35. Queen Eleanor's Confession
36. The Bonny Earl of Murray
37. The Gypsy Laddie
38. Geordie
39. Katharine Jaffray
40. James Harris (The Daemon Lover)
41. The Suffolk Miracle
42. Our Goodman
43. Get up and Bar the Door
44. The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin
45. The Farmer's Curst Wife
46. The Crafty Farmer
47. The Sweet Trinity (The Golden Vanity)
48. The Mermaid
49. Trooper and Maid
50. The Dilly Song
51. The Twelve Blessings of Mary
52. The Twelve Days of Christmas
53. I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
54. Dives and Lazarus I
56. The Romish Lady
55. Dives and Lazarus II
57. 'Let's Go A-Hunting,' Says Richard to Robert
58. The Ghost's Bride
59. The Dark Knight
60. The Turkish Factor
61. Nancy of Yarmouth
62. The Bramble Brier
63. The Prince of Morocco; or, Johnnie
64. The Gosport Tragedy
65. The Lexington Murder
66. On the Banks of the Ohio
67. Rose Connally
68. Handsome Harry
69. Beautiful Susan
70. The Lancaster Maid
71. The Drowsy Sleeper
72. The Silver Dagger
73. Come All Young People
74. Chowan River
75. Pretty Betsey
76. Molly Bawn
77. Fair Fannie Moore
78. Mary of the Wild Moor
79. Young Edwin in the Lowlands Low
80. The Three Butchers
81. The Butcher Boy
82. The Lover's Lament
83. As I Stepped Out Last Sunday Morning
84. Locks and Bolts
85. New River Shore
86. The Soldier's Wooing
87. Early, Early in the Spring
88. Charming Beauty Bright
89. The Glove
90. A Brave Irish Lady
91. Servant Man
92. A Pretty Fair Maid down in the Garden
93. John Reilley
94. Johnny German
95. The Dark-Eyed Sailor
96. Lovely Susan
97. Polly Oliver
98. Mollie and Willie
99. Jack Munro
100. The Girl Volunteer
101. Charming Nancy
102. A Rich Nobleman's Daughter
103. Little Plowing Boy
104. The Sailor Boy
105. Scarboro Sand (Robin Hood Side)
106. William Taylor
107. The Silk-Merchant's Daughter
108. Green Beds
109. Poor Jack
110. Little Mohea
111. The Faithful Sailor Boy
112. The Sailor's Bride
113. Barney McCoy
114. In a Cottage by the Sea
115. A Song About a Man-of-War
116. Captain Kidd
117. Poor Parker
118. High Barbary
119. The Lorena Bold Crew
120. The Sheffield Apprentice
121. The Rambling Boy
122. My Bonnie Black Bess
123. The Drummer Boy of Waterloo
124. Caroline of Edinburgh Town
125. Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch
126. I Wish My Love Was in a Ditch
127. Shule Aroon
128. William Riley
129. Johnny Doyle
130. Sweet William and Nancy
131. The Irish Girl
132. Pretty Susie, the Pride of Kildare
133. I Was Sitting on a Stile
134. I Left Ireland & Mother because We Were Poor
135. Three Leaves of Shamrock
136. Skew Ball
137. When You and I Were Young, Maggie
138. The Happy Stranger
139. Sweet Lily
140. Once I Had a Sweetheart
141. A False-Hearted Lover
142. Mama Sent Me to the Spring
143. Annie Lee
144. Hateful Mary Ann
145. The Girl I Left behind Me
146. The Isle of St. Helena
147. The Babes in the Wood
148. The Orphan Girl
149. The Blind Girl
150. Two Little Children
151. The Soldier's Poor Little Boy
152. The Orphan
153. Fond Affection
154. You Are False, but I'll Forgive You
155. We Have Met and We Have Parted
156. Broken Ties
157. They Were Standing by the Window
158. The Broken Heart
159. This Night We Part Forever
160. Parting Words
161. Bye and Bye You Will Forget Me
162. The One Forsaken
163. Don't Forget Me, Little Darling
164. She Was Happy till She Met You
165. The Ripest Apple
166. Sweetheart, Farewell
167. My Little Dear, So Fare You Well
168. Dreary Weather
169. My Sweetheart's Dying Words
170. The Homesick Boy
171. Over the Hills to the Poor-House
172. You're the Man That Stole My Wife
173. I'm Going to Get Married Next Sunday
174. Katie's Secret
175. The Farmer's Daughter
176. The Derby Ram
177. The Miller and His Three Sons
178. I Tuck Me Some Corn to the County Seat
179. The Old Dyer
180. Father Grumble
181. Johnny Sands
182. The Old Woman's Blind Husband
183. The Dumb Wife
184. The Holly Twig
185. Nobody Coming to Marry Me
186. Whistle, Daughter, Whistle
187. Hard of Hearing
188. The Three Rogues
189. Bryan O'Lynn
190. Three Jolly Welshmen
191. The Good Old Man
192. The Burglar Man
193. Billy Grimes the Drover
194. Grandma's Advice
195. Common Bill
196. Swapping Songs
197. Dog and Gun
198. Kitty Clyde
199. Father. Father, I Am Married
200. If I Had a Scolding Wife
201. The Scolding Wife
202. The Little Black Mustache
203. No Sign of a Marriage
204. Wilkins and His Dinah
205. Thimble Buried His Wife at Night
206. Boys, Keep Away from the Girls
207. The Boys Won't Do to Trust
Native American Ballads
208. Springfield Mountain
209. Young Charlotte
210. The Three Drowned Sisters
211. The Ore Knob
212. Floyd Collins
213. The Jam at Gerry's Rock
214. Lost on the Lady Elgin
215. The Ship That Never Returned
216. Casey Jones
217. The Wreck of the Old Ninety-Seven
218. Wreck of the Royal Palm
219. Wreck of the Shenandoah
220. Paul Jones
221. James Bird
222. In Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-One
223. On the Plains of Manassas
224. Old Johnston Thought It Rather Hard
225. The Cumberland
226. The Merrimac
227. The Dying Fifer
228. The Dying Soldier to His Mother
229. The Battle of Shiloh Hill
230. The Drummer Boy of Shiloh
231. The Last Fierce Charge
232. Kingdom Coming
233. Ol' Gen'ral Bragg's a-Mowin' Down de Yankees
234. The Texas Ranger
235. The Battleship Maine (
236. The Battleship Maine (II)
237. Marching to Cuba
238. Manila Bay
239. That Bloody War
240. Strange Things Wuz Happening
241. Just Remember Pearl Harbor
242. The Boston Burglar
243. Jesse James
244. John Hardy
245. Kenny Wagner's Surrender
246. Claud Allen
247. Frank Dupree
248. Brady
249. Charles Guiteau
250. Florella (The Jealous Lover)
251. Frankie and Albert
252. Sadie
253. Little Mary Phagan
254. Marian Parker
255. The Murder of Marian Parker
256. Little Marion Parker
257. Edward Hickman
258. Joe Bowers
259. Sweet Jane
260. Jack Haggerty
261. The Ocean Burial
262. The Lone Prairie
263. The Unfortunate Rake
264. When the Work Is Done This Fall
265. A Jolly Group of Cowboys
266. Great Granddad
267. The Lily of the West
268. Bill Miller's Trip to the West
269. Cheyenne
270. John Henry
271. Aunt Jemima's Plaster
272. The Fatal Wedding
273. Little Rosewood Casket
274. Jack and Joe
275. They Say It is Sinful to Flirt
276. The Little White Rose
277. When Fanning First to Orange Came
278. From Hillsborough Town the First of May
279. Says Frohock to Fanning
280. Who Would Have Tho't Harmon
281. The Rebel Acts of Hyde
282. As I Went Down to Newbern
283. Old Billy Dugger
284. The Brushy Mountains Freshet
285. Man Killed by Falling from a Horse
286. The Florence C. McGee
287. The Titanic
288. The Wreck of the Huron
289. The Song of Dailey's Life-Boat
290. The Hamlet Wreck
291. Edward Lewis
292. Manley Pankey
293. William S. Shackleford (alias J. P. Davis)
294. Last Words of William Shackleford
295. Death of Birchie Potter
296. Emma Hartsell
297. Gladys Kincaid
298. The Lawson Murder
299. Lillian Brown
300. Poor Naomi (Omie Wise)
301. Frankie Silver
302. The Murder of Laura Foster
303. Tom Dula
304. Tom Dula's Lament
305. Ellen Smith
306. Poor Little Ellen; or, Ellen Smith
307. Nellie Cropsey
308. Lillie Shaw
309. The Prohibition Boys
310. Prohibition Whiskey
311. Shu Lady
312. 'Tis Now, Young Man, Give Me Attention
313. Blockader's Trail
314. Blockader Mamma
Additional Ballads from Volume 4
315. Cock Robin
316. Child Riddles
317. The Dying Nun
318. The Dying Girl's Message
319. Ella's Grave
320. Dear Nell
321. Dear Annie; I Left My Love in England
322. The Bold Privateer
323. The Banks of Sweet Dundee
324. Dublin Bay
325. The Origin of Ireland
326. Devilish Mary
345. He Courted Her in the Month of June
328. The Skeptic's Daughter
329. Lord Ullin's Daughter
330. William Hall
331. Jimmy Caldwell
332. Michael Roy
333. Jack O' Hazeldean
334. The Pennsylvania Boy
335. The Range of the Buffalo
336. When I Was a Little Boy
337. Zolgotz
338. Story of Mine Cave-In; Shirley and Smith
339 The F.F.V. The Wreck of No. 4
340. The Wreck of Old Number Nine
Checklist of Recorded Folk Songs Before 1940
Checklist of Recorded Folk Songs: Vol. 1; A-K
Checklist of Recorded Folk Songs: Vol. 2; L-Z
Checklist of Recorded Folk Songs: Vol. 3 Index
The Kentucky Highlanders- Josiah Combs 1913
Collection of Revival Hymns & Plantation Melodies
Hymns 1-50
Hymns 51-100
Hymns 101- 170
Poetic Origins and the Ballad- Louise Pound 1921
I. The Beginnings Of Poetry
II. The Mediaeval Ballad And The Dance
III. Ballads And The Illiterate
IV. The Ballad Style
V. The English Ballads And The Church
VI. Balladry In America
American Ballads and Songs- Louise Pound 1922
1. English and Scottish Ballads in America
2. Other Imported Ballads and Songs
3. Native Ballads and Songs
4. Songs of Criminals and Outlaws
5. Western Ballads and Songs
6. Miscellaneous Ballads and Songs
7. Dialogue, Nursery, and Game Songs
The British Traditional Ballad in North America
A Description of Variation- Footnotes
A Critical Biographical Study
An Index to Borrowing