One Pretty May Morning- Charlton (WV) 1918 Sharp M

One Pretty May Morning- Charlton (WV) 1918 Sharp MS

[My title. One unique opening stanza with music from Sharp MS. Without more text I assume it goes directly into satndard Pretty Polly.

Sharp's Diary: We had an interesting talk with a Mrs Gilman a lawyer’s wife who told us about the country generally and we got 2 or 3 songs from a Mrs Vergie Charlton and should have got more from her brother in law, Rutterford, a blacksmith had he not been too busy.

R. Matteson 2016]

[One Pretty May Morning] Sung by Vergie Charlton from Lewisberg, W. Virginia on May 28, 1918.

One pretty May morning I walked out a-stray
And saw a blue-eyed maiden who was screping[1] down hay

1. MS hard to read but that appears to be what is written